Maybe 歐巴桑 is too stupid. Chinese typing is so difficult to me. I tried to learn different methods of entry but virtually they are too difficult for me to remember. First of all, you need to know exactly how to dictate the character. Then you need to break down into weird codes. With 速成, the next step is to search for the correct word from numerous choices. What a tedious job! "Spell check" is impossible for chinese. I wonder if there should be any better way to speed up my chinese typing skills. Really admired other people who could type effectively and communicate well in discussion groups!
- Nov 17 Wed 2004 00:15
Chinese typing is so difficult!
- Nov 04 Thu 2004 00:08
- Nov 01 Mon 2004 21:03
- Oct 20 Wed 2004 22:23
Coco d'Or
Coco d'Or是誰?單說這個名字當然陌生,但如說起Speed那個島袋寬子Hiro,知道的人比較多吧!Coco d'Or是Hiro的另一個藝名,出爵士音樂碟專用的,第一張爵士唱片剛在早幾天推出。
Speed好像很久以前的事,成員有的結婚,有的讀書,Hiro算是在演藝圈最活躍的了,她(們)從前的作品我並未細聽,但這張爵士唱片是取得不俗成績的一張。Coco d'Or的聲音和現時活躍的日系女爵士歌手鈴木重子、Keiko Lee等不太一樣,屬於比較尖和清亮的一類,勉強來說和初出道時的Billie Holiday 類似。監製給她選的樂曲和編排是近於Nat King Cole或者Platters那種Big Band Style,配樂的水準很高,錄音也能帶出現場感。
- Oct 14 Thu 2004 12:52
- Sep 25 Sat 2004 09:44
Norah Jones-Feels Like Home Deluxe Edition (CD & DVD)
- Sep 21 Tue 2004 22:20
- Sep 19 Sun 2004 19:06
《在動物園散步才是正經事》by My little airport